Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre <> writes:

> I've applied the suggested changes to the files, and pushed it back on
> It's using the same version number as before, just
> overwrote the files. Not sure if this is the preferred way to do this.
> I'm aware that it's definitely not the case in a "proper" repository
> :)

For that very reason, I'm of the opinion that changes made after upload
to a public repository (and yes, is a repository)
should always be done in a new release of the package, just like it's
done with all Debian repositories.

This view is not universally held, though. Check with the sponsor of the
upload; otherwise, read the arguments for and against and pick one that
makes sense.

 \      “Fur coats made for the ladies from their own skin.” —furrier, |
  `\                                                            Sweden |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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