I have created a package that during the build processes uses the
hunspell-tools munch utility to generate the dictionary file and on
install install the required files for the dictionary as per dictionary
policy.  I am, however, not a Debian Developer and the package has a
strict build depends on wcanadian-huge (because when the word list
changes so should the dictionary, and the dictionary shouldn't change
within the same dictionary version number, which is what will happen if
the wordlist changes).

Is there an OOo or other developer willing to look at/maintain this

I am not currently subscribed to the list, but will do so if it is
deemed useful for me to do so by those who are interested.  Otherwise
please CC me.  

Note, I am subscribed to the CC'ed debian-mentors list,
but would like to be CCed anyway. I'd prefer if a DD would take
ownership of this package since otherwise each change of wcanadian-huge
will require a hunt for sponsorship.

Note also that I am interested in opinions on the wisdom of this
approach.  It is a 'pure' free software approach since the final
product is built from the source, but munch takes several hours on my
P4 2 GHz, which is a lot of processing just to build a dictionary.
Would it be acceptable to Debian to occasionally build the dictionary
even though the dictionary is technically not the 'preferred form for
modification' (though it could be modified from there if so desired)?



And that's my crabbing done for the day.  Got it out of the way early, 
now I have the rest of the afternoon to sniff fragrant tea-roses or 
strangle cute bunnies or something.   -- Michael Devore
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