On Fri, 15 May 2009 22:32:30 +0200
Francesco Namuri <france...@namuri.it> wrote:

> Il giorno ven, 15/05/2009 alle 17.37 +0100, Neil Williams ha scritto:
> > It's more about how this is going to pan out in the future. Are you
> > intending to maintain pmidi for the foreseeable future or is this a
> > QA upload?
> No, Neil, I maintain this program, but it's a program that now I don't
> use anymore, I want only to solve this problem in the best manner
> possible, but without doing too drastic changes... And without doing
> the upstream by myself. I'm thinking about a removal, the only thing
> is that it has a 862 popcon...

I'd vote for removal. Packages with a much higher popcon have been
removed as part of the gtk1.2/glib1.2 removal process and gtk3/glib3 is
just around the corner. You don't use it, best thing is to probably
orphan it and just let it lie. It's not as if MIDI is that common


Neil Williams

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