Le mercredi 15 avril 2009 à 15:58, Paul Wise a écrit :
> 2009/4/15 Laurent Léonard <laur...@open-minds.org>:
> >> * Shouldn't the package has a versioning indicating that it was modified
> >>   from upstream, with a dfsg suffix?
> >
> > I'm not sure about that, if a DD could give an opinion on this...
> I can't find any reference for this but yes, add +dfsg1 to the
> upstream version number.

So the final version number for the package should be 0.2+dfsg-2 (0.2-1 
already exists in Sid) ?

What is the difference between ".dfsg", "-dfsg" and "+dfsg" suffixes ? With or 
without the "-" character after "dfsg" ?

> More best practices for the orig.tar.gz are available here:
> http://www.debian.org/doc/developers-reference/best-pkging-practices#bpp-or

The only reason I see that could be invoked to drop "*~" files is the archive 
size, I'm not sure it is justifiable for a 50 KB archive...

I'm almost sure it is impossible to reupload the source tarball, I read that 
somewhere in the documentation. And it seems to be logic if several package 
revisions use a diff file based on it.

Laurent Léonard

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