On Mon, 30 Mar 2009 21:09:06 +0200
Laurent Guignard <lguignard.deb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> In a package the upstream programmers have included some PERL scripts that are
> based on a manual PERL installation (/usr/local/...).

These references will need to be modified.

> How do i manage to include these scripts in path /usr/{sbin|bin} ?

Patch the scripts to make them work with standard perl - note that you
may need to add dependencies on the relevant perl modules that these
scripts may need.

> Have i to patch these scripts and review them to put parameters in a file
> located in /etc (actually all parameters are set directly in the PERL script)

There is no need to create a conf file unless the package needs one.

If the perl scripts are package specific, there is no need to put them
in /usr/bin, they can go into /usr/share and the rest of the package
patched to find them there.

> In the solution using patch, if upstream programmer agree the patch, a new
> version of package will have to be released !

It would be good to get these changes upstream, I don't see why a new
version of the package is a problem. In the meantime, work on the
patches in the Debian package.


Neil Williams

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