Hi mentors,

 I'm looking for a sponsor for mecab-naist-jdic package.
* Package name    : mecab-naist-jdic
  Version         : 0.4.3-20080917-1
  Upstream Authors: cha...@is.naist.jp
                    Masayuki Asahara <masay...@is.naist.jp>
                    Yuji Matsumoto <ma...@is.naist.jp>
                    Taku Kudo <t...@chasen.org>
* URL             : http://sourceforge.jp/projects/naist-jdic/
* License         : new BSD style
  Section         : misc

Description: free Japanese Dictionaries for mecab (replacement of mecab-ipadic)
 NAIST Japanese Dictionary is a Dictionary for MeCab, Japanese morphological
 analysis implementation.
 This is based on mecab-ipadic, however it is released under BSD style license
 now by NAIST (Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan), so it is free
 and can replace mecab-ipadic-utf8.
 This package generates UTF-8 data from mecab-naist-jdic-eucjp.

 The package is lintian clean.
 You can get it from 

 It's similar to naist-jdic package, naist-jdic is dictionary for chasen
 and mecab-naist-jdic is for mecab. I've asked naist-jdic package's sponsor
 to check it, but he cannot do because of illness...

 So now I want a sponsor for this package.


 Hideki Yamane     henrich @ debian.or.jp/iijmio-mail.jp

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