On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 03:01:10AM +0100, ERSEK Laszlo wrote:
> Paul Wise wrote:
> > And now onto the package review:
> > 
> > Why does your diff.gz patch the Makefile? Shouldn't you add those
> > changes to the upstream Makefile?
> I don't think so. As my general, hobbyist free software development
> policy, I *always* and *exclusively* follow the Single Unix Specification:

Actually, that's great.  I wish there could be more people like you.
Really, I do.

> One such thing would be the set of paths I'd to put under an "install:"
> rule. This has clearly no place in Makefile.dev which is my personal
> playground, or Makefile.portable, which is what it is called. (The
> default Makefile, using gcc, is a concession towards the fact that most
> people have gcc without an appropriate c89 wrapper.)
> I simply couldn't satisfy all conceivable users with any "install:"
> target. I believe there's a world out there that doesn't conform to the
> FHS, for example users with install rights only in their respective
> (freely structured) home directories. Maybe someone doesn't want to
> install the manual at all. I just list the files one should consider
> installing, in the README.

Sorry for replying to a month-old e-mail :)

A possible solution - the one I use for all my pieces of software -
is to use environment variables.  Since most of the things that vary
between OS's and installations are either paths or user/group names or
permission modes, they can, indeed, be configured with variables.

NB: I am well aware that all of the following depends on make(1)
understanding the ?= syntax.  If the programs should be packaged for
OS's which do not have a ?=-aware version of make(1), that could,
indeed, be a problem.  There are those who would just wave this problem
away with "oh well, you can always use GNU make, right?"; I'm not
one of them, and if you really intend your software to be ported to
non-?=-aware-make-OS's, then all of the following should be taken with
a grain of salt - or just look at the end for another possible solution :)

The way I do it is to set several variables so that the default behavior
is close to my FreeBSD system and then just pass them on the "make"
command-line when building the Debian, RedHat, or what-have-you package:

LOCALBASE?=     /usr/local
BINDIR?=        ${PREFIX}/bin
LIBDIR?=        ${PREFIX}/lib
MANDIR?=        ${PREFIX}/man/man
MAN1DIR?=       ${MANDIR}1

BINOWN?=        root
BINGRP?=        wheel
BINMODE?=       555

SHAREMODE?=     444

...and a couple more.  Then, for Debian, I just need to change PREFIX,
MANDIR, and BINGRP, and it all works just fine (the modes do not need
changing, there's dh_fixperms for that ;)

Of course, those could be redone for a FHS/Linux system instead:

LOCALBASE?=     /usr
MANDIR?=        ${PREFIX}/share/man/man
BINGRP?=        root
BINMODE?=       755
SHAREMODE?=     644

...and then the other ports, e.g. to FreeBSD, would have to pass those
variables either on the make(1) command line or in the environment.
Either way, it's a possible solution.

As to the ?=-aware make(1) problem, a possible solution for that one
would be a shell script which generates the Makefile with values from
the shell script's environment.  This is getting dangerously close
to a "configure" script and not all that far away from the autotools,
but, no, I am not trying to convince you to use those - I don't, myself :)
But sometimes, a shell "configure" script is enough to Do The Right Thing(tm).


Peter Pentchev  r...@ringlet.net    r...@space.bg    r...@freebsd.org
PGP key:        http://people.FreeBSD.org/~roam/roam.key.asc
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