Hi Don

Thanks for the fast reply.

On Sun, Feb 01, 2009 at 11:51:08PM -0800, Don Armstrong wrote:
> On Mon, 02 Feb 2009, Salvatore Bonaccorso wrote:
> > tuxcmd is currently by upsteam "restricted" to the Architectures i386
> > and x86_64. [1]. As suggested in a previous thread I had put 
> >     
> >     Architecture: any
> > 
> > in the control file, and now I'm having the following situation: On
> > powerpc all Build-Depends are satisfied, and also the package get's
> > build, but tuxcmd will not work at all on this architecture.
> Why not? There's nothing obvious about tuxcmd that makes it only
> suitable for i386 and amd64. If it doesn't work properly on archs
> other than i386 and amd64, that sounds like bugs that should be fixed
> (likely resulting from poor coding practices on the part of upstream.)

Yes I see.

> If neither you nor upstream is able to resolve the bugs due to lack of
> access to powerpc architecture machines (or any of the other
> architectures that this package can build successfully on) I'd suggest
> talking to the powerpc porters (and other arch porters) for
> assistance.

Indeed I currently have only access to i386 and amd64 machines and so
I'm neither able to debug #513891. So I will contact upstream about
that and the powerpc porters and ask if they could help.

Thanks for your reply and kind regards

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