Hello mentors,

I'm interested in packaging Shapely [0], a python library, because I
need it as a dependency for a program I'm working on (and I'd like to
package too).

Skapely was already packaged (as python-shapely) [1] and uploaded some
time ago, but was rejected.

Unfortunately, nobody could tell me the reason (the maintainer didn't
answer to my emails, ftp masters didn't neither and other community
members of the project seem to have no clue).

Since I started to repackage it, I maybe found a possible solution to
the dilemma: do you think that the license [2] (in particular the third
condition) is not enough free?

Notice that if this is the problem, I could try to contact upstream, or
package an old GPLed version of the library (see [3]).

(or just rewrite the _2_ function that I use from that library...)

thank for you help

Pietro Battiston

[0]: http://trac.gispython.org/lab/wiki/Shapely
[2]: http://svn.gispython.org/svn/gispy/Shapely/trunk/LICENSE.txt

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