On Thursday 2008 December 11 04:21:42 Resul Cetin wrote:
>Sry, but it is not possible to move head because otherwise upstream will
> kill me. (It is a shared repository with upstream)

Well, while it may not be the best solution, you could get around that issue 
by not sharing the repository.  At least, not for VCS-Git.  Make a second 
repository, mostly read-only, and a cron job that pushes/pulls 
<upstream_url>:debian to <vcs_git_url>:master, perhaps through an 
intermediate repository if you can't run a cron job on either git server.  
You'd still commit to the upstream repository, and the cronjob would be 
responsible for moving those commits somewhere debcheckout can find them.  
Alternatively, you could maintain your debian branch(es) at alioth and have a 
cron job set up to push/pull <upstream_url>:master to <alioth>:upstream.

I read your posting to the git list and the bug report.  I think Stefano is 
right that anyone using debcheckout to pull from  the VCS-Git URL should have 
enough git working-knowledge to, at least, list the branches and see the ones 
=~ /^debian/i.  I'm not sure if it should really be the job of debcheckout to 
switch to the proper branch, even if it does seem useful and the maintainer 
specified one.

I understand that this makes debcheckout behave somewhat differently on 
VCS-Svn [1] vs. VCS-Git, [2] but that's because those VCSs work very 

[1] Pull only the current version of the specific branch subtree specified.
[2] Pull all versions of all branches and checkout HEAD.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.                     ,= ,-_-. =. 
bs...@volumehost.net                      ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy           `-'(. .)`-' 
http://iguanasuicide.org/                      \_/     

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