OoO  En cette  soirée bien  amorcée du  vendredi 17  octobre  2008, vers
22:39, Alexander Bürger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> disait :

> I updated my package "fig2sxd" to version 0.19-1 and I am now looking
> for a sponsor.

> The  new  version  works  around  a  problem in  OOo  with  very  long
> polylines.

Hi Alexander!

debian/changelog  is "Debian"  changelog, not  upstream one.  Instead of
"Split  long unfilled  polylines to  avoid problems  with
being apparently unable to read xml attribute values longer than 64kB.",
you should  say "New upstream release".  You only need  to cite upstream
changelog if it corresponds to a bug in Debian bug tracker.

Moreover, we are currently in  freeze. Your upload will stay in unstable
without going to  testing. If there is an  important problem with 0.18-1
which is in testing,  it is easier to fix it if you  can push the fix to
unstable without pushing additional changes. Otherwise, it would have to
be  uploaded  to testing-proposed-updates  which  causes  more work  for
everybody and less possibilities of testing (no "grace" period to ensure
that a few people test the package).

However,  the  change  is  not  very  large  (especially  if  we  ignore
indentation changes),  so in case a  fix needs to be  pushed, maybe this
new upstream version would be accepted  as well.  Therefore, it is up to
you  to upload to  unstable (if  you think  that having  a RC  bug filed
against fig2sxd is low probability and even if there is one, the current
change is likely to be accepted) or to experimental.
Use recursive procedures for recursively-defined data structures.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)

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