
I'm looking for a sponsor for blam version 1.8.6. Blam is a GTK/GNOME
feed reader whose main features are theming support and a simple
interface. As of this version it runs completely in managed mode.

The package appears lintian-clean and builds the following binary
blam       - a simple RSS aggregator for GNOME

This upload would fix the following bugs: 292461 319302 326993 342226
473626 480790.
Bugs #473626 and #480790 are release-critical, though the package was
removed from lenny some time ago (precisely because of this) so it's not
that impressive.

You can get the package at mentors.d.n: dget

I'd be glad if someone could upload this pacakge for me.

Carlos Martín Nieto | http://cmartin.tk

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