OoO Lors  de la soirée naissante  du mercredi 27 août  2008, vers 18:24,
Andreas Schildbach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> disait :
> I have created and uploaded (to two Debian packages
> some weeks ago, and have advertized them on this group. However, until
> now, no sponsor was looking after the packages.

Hi Andreas!

Unfortunately, there  is no ultimate  solution. I try myself  to sponsor
packages that wait  for a long time  in mentors (and yours is  on top of
the list) but I lack of time now.

As already said, you can post your RFS once a month. You could also seek
for a team that could help  to sponsor your packages. If your package is
closely related  to another package,  you can seek sponsorship  from the
maintainer of the package.

> phpmyid - standalone, single user, OpenID identity provider

You can  try to ask  for sponsorship in  Debian PHP team.  However, this
team is  essentially dedicated to  maintaining PHP. Therefore, I  am not
sure that you will get an answer for this one.

> wordpress-openid - OpenID consumer plugin for WordPress

Wordpress maintainer  may be interested  to help you in  sponsoring this
package. Unfortunately, Wordpress maintainer is not a DD...
printk("Entering UltraSMPenguin Mode...\n");
        2.2.16 /usr/src/linux/arch/sparc64/kernel/smp.c

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