Hi, Paul.

> Thibaut, the initial owner of the ITP was Luca Falavigna
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, is there any reason you've hijacked it?
> Usually it is a good idea to write some message in the bug log if you
> take over an ITP from someone else.

In fact, I started the debian package before making an ITP...
Then, when I was going to send the ITP, I found it and said to Luca
Falavigna that I started working on it, and he suggested me to take
ownership of it.

> It is a good idea to document authorship and purpose in the patch headers.


> Please send the manual page, patches upstream if you haven't yet.
> You are missing a depends on gstreamer0.10-plugins-base so it can start:
> bluemindo
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "./bluemindo.py", line 106, in <module>
>     gst = GStreamer()
>   File "/usr/share/bluemindo/src/media/gstreamer.py", line 41, in __init__
>     self.player = gst.element_factory_make('playbin', 'bluemindo')
> gst.ElementNotFoundError: playbin


> Package looks good otherwise.

Thanks :)

Best Regards,
Thibaut GIRKA.

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