En/na Jelle de Jong ha escrit:
dmanye wrote:


let me explain my "environment". i'm in a university taking care of computer science department's computer labs. teachers say: "i need for my course app1, app2 and app3". most apps are windows ones and in most of the lab sessions teachers use windows.

i'm here "the linux guy" in a way similar to asterix. my objective is: do the linux computer setup as "capable" as possible so that students can do *all* their practices under linux. sometimes the job is easy (when teachers ask for office i install openoffice, when they ask for acroread i install evince|xpdf and so on), but sometimes it's not so easy: for example, when they ask for pajek (http://pajek.imfm.si/doku.php) for which i've found no free equivalence and i've read that runs ok under wine (and the source code is not published).

so i spend some of my job time to make possible that a student can choice between pajek under windows or pajek under wine. and i know that most of the students will choose the first option.

this is my position and since this is a flame theme, let me ignore any other message related with this without constructive ideas. thanks to paul wise for pointing me to pptview, i think it is the example package i was looking for.

pd: and yes, i have an eye to react os and as the project matures (last time i did it it hanged), i'm considering the possibility to run all the linux-non-friendly software as a reactos virtual image under qemu|virtualbox.

En/na Patrick Matth�i ha escrit:

i'd like to package (separately) some windows applications that run nice
under wine.


first thanks for trying to make Debian better and better.
But I've to say that I disagree with the idea to package applications
which need wine to run, so on pure Windows applications.

Why I disagree? We are here on GNU/Linux, not Window - so on we should
concentrate ourself on software which runs nativly on Linux platforms,
wine should be only a fallback solution.

Maybe some software developers could also think "Why should I port my
app to another platform than Windows, wine could also do my job?" - this
could damage the availbility of nativly available software for Linux if
everyone starts to wrap their applications about wine and we support
this with packaging them.

Do not feel blamed please, that's just my personal opinion, not more or
less and btw. I don't hate wine. :)

Just some notes on this email, first i recognize the situation. second:
please do not top post this is bad for my eyes and health.

The pajek tool can be replaced with ettercap-gtk this is one of the greatest network analysis tools out there...
apt-cache search Network Analysis
pajek is for a different type of network analysis. quoting from it's manual:

"Pajek should provide tools for analysis and visualization of such networks: collaboration networks, organic molecule in chemistry, protein-receptor interaction networks, genealogies, Internet networks, citation networks, diffusion (AIDS, news, innovations) networks, data-mining (2-mode networks), etc."


Kind regards,


fn;quoted-printable:david many=C3=A9
org;quoted-printable:Universitat Rovira i Virgili;Departament d'Enginyeria Inform=C3=A0tica i Matem=C3=A0tiques
adr;quoted-printable;dom:;;Av. dels Pa=C3=AFsos Catalans, 26;Tarragona;;43007
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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