On Sat, Jul 05 2008, Kapil Hari Paranjape wrote:

> On Thu, 03 Jul 2008, Kurt B. Kaiser wrote:
>> I am looking for a sponsor for the new version 03.01.05-1
>> of my package "remind".
> Since the previous version (03.01.04) of the package has been accepted with
> "DM-Upload-Allowed: yes" and you as the maintainer, it seems to me
> that you should be able to upload the package yourself since you are
> listed in the Debian Maintainer's keyring.

I am not yet in the DM keyring.  Once I get my package gambc uploaded, I
will apply.

Also, remind has never been uploaded with the DM-Upload-Allowed field


so even if I was in the keyring I would not be able to upload it.  Yes,
it's in the previous version changelog, but either my sponsor removed
the field without mentioning it, or his tools at the time couldn't yet
handle DM-U-A and it never made it to .dsc.  That's when I switched back
to XS-DM-U-A :-)

I'm not aware of a policy which requires being in the DM keyring before
setting the DM-U-A field.

Sponsors are free to remove it, of course, if they're not ready to grant
the privilege.  That seems to be the simplest way and most efficient way
to handle a DM-U-A request.

More guidance here from the DDs on the list would be appreciated!

> Here are some additional comments.
>  - A lot of the files list David F. Skoll as one of the copyright
>    holders, not just the files that you list under exceptions in
>    debian/copyright.

David F. Skoll is the owner of Roaring Penguin, which holds the remind
copyright.  The exceptions are for code which is not (entirely) his own.

>  - You use the field XS-DM-Upload-Allowed instead of
>    DM-Upload-Allowed.
>  - You use Standards Version 3.7.3 when the current version is
>    3.8.0

The package has been on mentors for two months; my sponsor hasn't been
able to find the time to upload it, so I'm now asking here.

It's still Lintian clean.  I will address these two issues at the next
upload, which will probably be when we get a new upstream release.

Thanks for the review!


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