Disregard my previous message, something went wrong with the signing.
Here is the original text:

Thanks for the quick review.

> - No need to build-depend on fpc-source or you have a strong reason
> doing so ?

Removed: done.

> - Need to depend on ffmpeg since AFAICS it is being called by winff
> runtime.

Huh, I am pretty sure I see it. I moved it to the first dependent
instead of the last.

> - Vcs-Browser: is not for upstream repo, but for yours, i.e. the VCS
> repo of your packaging, if any.

Ack. Removed.

I would be glad if it could be uploaded after the changes. The package
is again available on mentors:
- dget http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/w/winff/winff_0.42-1.dsc


George Danchev wrote:
> On Monday 30 June 2008, Paul Gevers wrote:
>> Dear mentors,
>> I am looking for a sponsor for my package "winff". This is my first
>> contribution to Debian.
>> * Package name    : winff
>>   Version         : 0.42-1
>>   Upstream Author : Matthew Weatherford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> * URL             : http://www.winff.org
>> * License         : GLP-3
>>   Section         : graphics
>> It builds this binary package:
>> winff      - video and audio batch converter using ffmpeg
>> The package appears to be lintian clean.
>> The upload would fix these bugs: 485481
>> The package can be found on mentors.debian.net:
>> - URL: http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/w/winff
>> - Source repository: deb-src http://mentors.debian.net/debian unstable
>> main contrib non-free
>> - dget http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/w/winff/winff_0.42-1.dsc
>> I would be glad if someone would check uploaded this package for me.
> Hi, 
> Some minor comments:
> - No need to build-depend on fpc-source or you have a strong reason doing so ?
> - Need to depend on ffmpeg since AFAICS it is being called by winff runtime.
> - Vcs-Browser: is not for upstream repo, but for yours, i.e. the VCS repo of 
> your packaging, if any.

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