On Sun, 2008-06-29 at 17:47 +0200, Giuseppe Iuculano wrote:
> Neil Williams ha scritto:
> > Do you mean these are embedded source? Source code that already exists
> > as a separate package in Debian should not be duplicated in NEW
> > packages. Use the existing library support and remove the unwanted
> > source files from your package source tarball.
> minpack-dev Debian package provides the headers, man pages, examples,
> and static library.

Like most -dev packages - should be all that you need (along with the
actual shared library that is the target of the symlinks also in most
-dev packages).

> freemat needs some files (*.f) that are not exists as a separate package
> in Debian

If those are generated files, the -dev should provide them.
If they are source files (i.e. modifiable), these files must be
explicitly covered by a compatible licence. You don't describe what
these files are or do so I can't say much more than that.

> >> Can I claim that these files are under Minipack license, and write a
> >> statement in debian/copyright?

How can you claim that these are under the Minipack licence if the
minipack -dev package does not contain them? Are they packaged in the
minipack source tarball?

> > 
> > No.
> > 
> > If there are differences, those differences still cause licence issues.
> > If there are no differences, there is no point having the files in the
> > source in the first place.
> > 
> I'm sorry, but I don't understand. There are no differences, but freemat
> need those files for compiling.

You need to explain what these *.f files are and what they are supposed
to provide. .f means nothing to me. (.o I'd understand, as I would
for .c, .cpp, .h, .pl and a host of others).


Neil Williams

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