On Mon, 23 Jun 2008 10:10:32 +0900, Charles Plessy wrote:

> > $ cp ggobi-2.1.7.tar.bz2 ggobi_2.1.7.orig.tar.bz2
> Debian provides many facilities in the `devscripts' package. One of them
> is the uscan/uupdate programs. They need a special file in the source
> package, `debian/watch', 
TTBOMK uupdate doesn't need a watch file.

> > 2. In Ubuntu, or Debian more generally, what happens when package
> > maintainers don't stay up to date?  It is a little tough to figure out
> > who is responsible for a package sometimes, there is an
> > OriginalMaintainer and other names in the changelog.  

OriginalMaintainer is an Ubuntu-specific field used AFAIK when there
are changes to the package in Debian.

> > If you email the
> > person you think is in charge, and don't get an answer, what do you
> > do?

Please file bug reports to have a public log.
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