Star Liu wrote:
> I'm very happy to find more answers here, so i try to discuss it more :)

As was mentioned earlier in the thread, this isn't a very good place to
discuss this.  AFAIK know the debian-mentors list is a place for people
who want to learn about _contributing_to_ Debian, it isn't a place to
discuss _developing_on_ Debian.

> first, i think maybe it's necessory for me to post this topic here,
> for i'm a newbie, have few knowledge on linux, so i heavily depend on
> the debian system. if i ask questions at other places, they may not
> use debian, then their solution may not apply for me, or hard to apply
> for my poor knowledge.

Please consider using debian-user for your future Debian-related questions.

> i made some thinking on nasm, yasm and gas, finally i think it's a
> very bad thing for nasm and yasm to come out, for they don't provide
> much more improvement for gas, just some non-important syntax change,
> so i choose gas as my assembler, and it's very convinient to
> programming x86_64 assembly by gas and gcc.
> i think it's necessory for a real software developer to know assembly
> in order to know clearly about how software works, i have been a
> microsoft platform software developer for years, and tired to be a
> slave of ms, so i jump to assembly now. :)

Personally I don't consider intimate knowledge of assembly language
extremely important in order to be a good programmer.  It does aid in
understanding how a computer works, on a very basic level, but I'm not
sure I'd suggest anyone do that on a CPU used in a modern desktop
computer.  I'd pick an older and (arguably) simpler CPU, something like
an m68k or maybe a mips.  I have to admit I don't know what AMD64
assembly is like though.

> thanks for your suggestions, hope i will get more help here next time
> i encounter difficulties. :)
> On Sun, Jun 22, 2008 at 12:51 PM, Jack T Mudge III
>     On Saturday 21 June 2008 09:14:31 pm Star Liu wrote:
>     > Greetings!
>     > I'm a newbie in assembly language programming, for I worked as a C#
>     > programmer on microsoft platform in the past years, but now I
>     want to
>     > know clearly how operating system and softwares are executed, so
>     I begin
>     > to learn assembly language programming, I have learned some 32
>     bit asm
>     > coding, and want to move to 64 bit coding. Is there any good
>     toturial to
>     > follow? and which assembler should I use? (I have a amd64 etch
>     installed
>     > for this task) Thanks!
>     This is a bit off-topic for this board -- this board is for debian
>     package
>     sponsorship, and discussion related to maintaining debian packages.
> has a forum about programming. Maybe ask
>     there for
>     anything else you want to know (instead of being off-topic here)
>     However, I'll give you a couple pointers to get you started:
>     - nasm and yasm seem to be the assemblers available in Debian
>     right now.
>     - get an emulator (I use Bochs), you won't have to reboot and
>     you'll be able
>     to use a debugger.
>     - Look up (assembly programming in
>     linux) and
> (all about writing operating systems)
>     - Jack Mudge
>     --
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> -- 
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> Buddha Debian GNU/Linux
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