
George Danchev wrote:
> On Saturday 21 June 2008, Ansgar Burchardt wrote:
> > I prepared a QA upload for the latest upstream version of windowlab, a
> > small and simple windowmanager.
> >
> > The upload would close the following bugs:
> >  - 486978 (serious): FTBFS: windowlab.h:37:34: error:
> >    X11/extensions/shape.h: No such file or directory
> >  - 438264 (wishlist): not handling nostrip build option (policy 10.1)
> Your changes seems to bring improvements..., yet could you please also fix 
> debian/rules so that both the binary-arch (buildd's call `/usr/bin/fakeroot 
> debian/rules binary-arch') and binary-indep targets exist (see Policy 4.9) 
> and so that `fakeroot debian/rules binary' works as well.

Done. Thanks for noticing.

> > I also changed the packaging to use debhelper and quilt instead of cdbs,
> > and updated the package to conform to the latest version of Debian policy.
> Did you check with /usr/share/doc/debian-policy/upgrading-checklist.txt.gz 
> since debian/changelog only reads "Bump Standards Version to 3.8.0", but 
> doesn't list the exact changes done to align the package with 3.8.0, or there 
> were no changes needed to comply with 3.8.0; if any please say so, probably 
> by means of sub-bullets ;-)

There are several changes: the Homepage field in debian/control, the
README.source, and the get-orig-source target.  These changes are listed in
the changelog.  As two of them are already sub-bullets of other changes, I
think it isn't a good idea to move them.

> By the way, if you need a more expressive get-orig-source you can borrow some 
> bits from the stealth package for instance.

I added an md5sum check in the get-orig-source target for windowlab.
The get-orig-source from stealth seems to require to be started in the
package directory in order to inspect debian/changelog and doesn't leave the
generated tarball in the current directory, which doesn't seem policy
compliant, so I did not do this in windowlab.

I uploaded an updated package to mentors:

Thanks for the review!


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