OoO Vers  la fin de l'après-midi du  jeudi 29 mai 2008,  vers 16:32, Pau
Garcia i Quiles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> disait:

> I am looking for a sponsor for my package "witty".

> * Package name    : witty
>   Version         : 2.1.3-1
>   Upstream Author : Emweb bvba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> * URL             :
> * License         : GPLv2 + commercial
>   Section         : web

> It builds these binary packages:
> witty      - C++ web framework and application server [runtime]
> witty-dbg  - C++ web framework and application server [debug]
> witty-dev  - C++ web framework and application server [devel]
> witty-doc - C++ web framework and application server [doc]


About the  short description,  upstream author states  that Wt is  not a
framework but  a library. Since  this seems important, maybe  you should
avoid the word framework at least in short description.

In debian/control,  Vcs-Cvs is oddly formatted. Moreover,  this field is
for Debian package managenement, not upstream CVS.

You seems to hardcode a lot of libraries in Depends, I think this is not
necessary: this is the job of shlibs:Depends.

About debian/copyright, upstream ships a  LICENSE file but does not tell
if  the software is  licensed under  GPLv2 or  GPLv2+.  You  should tell
upstream that  a statement stating  the actual license is  necessary (as
explained at the bottom of LICENSE file).

More important, you add a patch to add OpenSSL exception. You should not
do that.  On what ground  do you assume  that such an  exception exists?
Upstream should add it in some file.

The content of how_to_build_examples.txt  should be put in README.Debian
instead since this is Debian specific information.

You  can  simplify   debian/rules  by  using  debian/witty-doc.examples,

You might also want to  use dh_lintian to install lintian override (look
at the manual page, it requires a special version of debhelper). lintian
override on  witty-doc should  be removed. You  should remove  those two
extra licenses instead.

You  should   use  a  patch   management  system  instead   of  patching
yourself. Such a system will  handle cleaning for you (your package does
not build  twice in a row because  you don't clean your  patch). You can
look at quilt that contains a simple line to add to debian/rules and two
new targets to patch and unpatch.

You  can safely  remove CFLAGS  settings  in debian/rules,  this is  now
handled by dpkg-buildpackage.

Your debian/watch  is not working  for me. You should  use
instead of

Two more lintian warnings:
W: witty: deprecated-chown-usage postinst:25 'chown -R www-data.www-data'
W: witty source: debian-watch-file-missing-version
-+- Bart Simpson on chalkboard in episode 8F14

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