
I am writing you because i want to help but i don't know how to start.

But before i move on to my questions let me say that at the moment i'm mainly interested in sporadic bug fixing as package maintenance requires a commitment that at the moment i am unable to offer.

I have read the new maintainers' guide, and i have glanced through the debian policy. I do understand the process of creating a package from scratch but i fail to get my head around of the steps required for finding, and fixing bugs as well as submitting patches. Let me make my question more specific.

1) Having found a bug report that i would like to work on
- Which is the source file i download? the orig or the dsc? the debian one or the upstream one? - Do i need to contact first the maintainer of the package that i intend to work on some bug? (i guess i would know this if i have read the debian policy more rigorously, i will do so)

2) Having obtained the source, before i start making my modifications should i apply the existing patches appearing in diff.gz or should i work directly on the original code?

3) Having done my changes do i need to prepare and submit a package containing the new modified version? Even though i might not need to offer a package do i need to make sure that the resulting code can be properly packaged? Or do i simply submit the patch and the maintainers worry about the rest? What is it more useful for the maintainer?

im looking forward to your replies.

many thanks, regards

-- Dionysis Kalofonos

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