On Mon, Jun 02, 2008 at 09:25:10PM +0200, Vincent Bernat wrote:
> OoO La nuit  ayant déjà recouvert d'encre ce jour du  mardi 27 mai 2008,
> vers 23:20, Patrik Fimml <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> disait:
> > I am looking for a sponsor for the new version 1.1.1-1 of the package
> > "eboard", the new version 2-2 of the package "eboard-extras-pack1" and 
> > version
> > 1-1 of the package "eboard-extras-pack2".
> > I have requested to adopt these packages, and this has been accepted[1] by 
> > the
> > current maintainer.
> > [1] http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2008/05/msg01013.html
> Did you try to request sponsorship from him?

No, I didn't, as the package (and its bugs on the tracker) seemed a bit
abandoned to me.  Would you suggest to ask anyways?

> > eboard - A GTK+ chessboard program
> Why did  you move eboard-addtheme to  /usr/bin? This seems  to require a
> lintian override and no real benefit, isn't it?

The previous version of the package already shipped
/usr/bin/eboard-config. While upstream ships everything in /usr/bin,
they have manpages eboard-config(1), eboard-addtheme(1) and eboard(6),
and I followed this scheme. It also makes sense to me, as eboard-config
and -addtheme are more of utilities than of games.

> This is a bit odd to have a package depends on xfonts-75dpi. Do you know
> the rationale behind this dependency?

It is only a recommendation, and it seems that eboard won't start
without the font installed. (Or maybe any font would do?) You probably
want to have a look at bug #149331.

> Also, remove the capitalization in the  short  description  "a  GTK+
> chessboard  program"  or  even  "GTK+ chessboard program".


> Most (all?) files  are licensed under GPLv2 or  later version while your
> debian/copyright only states GPLv2.


> In your debian/rules, you have:
>   build: configure-stamp build-stamp
> Both dependencies can be run  in parallel. This means that configure can
> happens after build. An alternative could be
>   build: build-stamp
>   build-stamp: configure-stamp
> You  might want  to use  dh_lintian to  install lintian  file.  Read the
> manual page  to find  the correct  version of debhelper  to use  in this
> case.

Done, together with some other simplifications of debian/rules.

> There is a lintian warning:
> W: eboard: copyright-without-copyright-notice


> debian/control  and   debian/compat  disagrees.  Moreover,   remove  the
> capitalization  of  the  first   letter  in  the  short  description  in
> debian/control.


> There is the same problem  with parallelisation in debian/rules than for
> eboard package. You also might want to remove the fact that debian/rules
> is a sample file.


> Check some lintian warnings with lintian -viI:
> I: eboard-extras-pack1 source: build-depends-without-arch-dep eboard
> W: eboard-extras-pack1: copyright-without-copyright-notice

I have put eboard into Build-Depends-Indep; however, upstream does not
include a copyright notice anywhere. What should I do in this case?

The updated eboard package is on mentors. (extra packs not)

Kind regards,

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