Hi Vincent,

  Thanks a lot for your feedback. A first round of answers.

Vincent Bernat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (2008-05-21 22:03:52) :
> OoO En  cette nuit nuageuse du  jeudi 15 mai 2008,  vers 01:02, Frederic
> Lehobey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> disait:

> php4  will  not  be  part  of  lenny, therefore,  you  can  remove  php4
> dependencies.

  I know this. I left them in the purpose of building backports, but I
can remove them and add them only in the backport. I will remove them

>                Moreover, php5  depends on  libapache2-mod-php5.  You can
> drop "Suggests" too.

  Ok. Thanks.

>                      I don't  know if the content of artichow/php4 could
> be dropped too.

  Probably, yes.

> You  short description  is very  short. You  may want  to complete  it a
> bit. You should add a blank line in the long description.

  Ok. Will fix these.

> About debian/copyright, you cannot ship  files using PHP License 2.02 or
> PHP License  3.0. This will be  rejected by ftp-master.

  That is what I feared at first (see #442361), but I found other
packages (like php-html-common,
php-net-socket, php-xml-parser [3.0], all of which are in my
dependencies) that are under PHP License 2.02 and already included in
the archive.

>                                                         You  seem to not
> ship most of those files but  you still ship QuickForm. For other files,
> you  should add  a notice  in debian/copyright  that the  files  are not
> shipped with the package.

  Very precisely, currently, the files of the dependencies _are_ in
upstream tarball (and in the source package), but not _used_ by my
package (using Debian packages instead). Do you mean I should remove
all those files from upstream tarball and create some repackaged
phpmyvisites.dfsg upstream sources?

> For QuickForm,  does QuickForm2 is an acceptable  drop-in replacement?

  Not tried it yet. Upstream is
http://pear.php.net/package/HTML_QuickForm2 but from what I have read
(sorry I do not have the link at hand) it _seems_ that not, but I
should try then if the license problems really get in the way.

> You should use  dbconfig-common to configure database. This  is not very
> difficult and there  is a lot of packages using it.

  Yes, I am willing to do it, but (as I said in README.Debian) I fear
it will require quite heavy patching of upstream (there is an
installation procedure quite intricately included in the rest of the
code) and I am undecided about what would be the best way to do it. Do
you have some example of other packages PHP where only _parts_ of the
installation procedure has been diverted in order to take advantage of

  Should I completely rewrite an other installation procedure from
scratch with _many_ debconf questions and templates (won't it be a
debconf abuse?)? (I think it might be much simpler to implement.)

>                                                      You could also ship
> Apache   configuration   in    /etc/apache2/conf.d   (with   a   debconf
> question).

  Yes, if I go using debconf, I can do this too.

>            You can look at other web apps for some source of inspiration
> on  this matter  (mediawiki, roundcube,  ...)  or at  the webapps  draft
> policy.

  Thanks again for your feedback. I will try to address all your
suggestions (the license problem, I fear, been the most problematic
one) and come back with an updated package.

Best regards,
Frédéric Lehobey
PS : I have fulfilled your Mail-Followup-To, but should
dbconfig-common questions go to -mentors, -webapps or both? (I do not
want to bother people).   :-)

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