OoO En  cette matinée ensoleillée du  mercredi 21 mai  2008, vers 09:47,
Sylvain Garcia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> disait:

>> I  am still  very uncomfortable  with obm-conf  package. You  should let
>> debconf handle  any reconfiguration/first configuration  stuff. It won't
>> ask questions twice if not needed.

> you talk about obm-conf/already_configured ?

Yes, and all the tests you do (test if its configure or reconfigure).

>> Moreover, this  package configure will  ask again questions  about mysql
>> database configuration while dbconfig-common  has already asked the same
>> questions. A typical user installing the packages on the same host won't
>> even  be  able  to  answer  all  questions  since  dbconfig-common  will
>> autogenerate the password for him.
>> It is a personal opinion, but I would prefer that database configuration
>> is generated by  obm-storage package and that the user  copy by hand the
>> resulting   file   to   another   host   if  he   wants   a   multi-host
>> configuration. This will strip down complexity of the package, lower the
>> number of debconf questions (and the needed translations).

> ok, this schema explain the full debian package architecture of OBM
> ( inkscape schema). Actually i have this package which work, but there
> aren't debian compliant about policy. The goal of this packages is to
> install OBM on many architecture, on many servers
> For my, I prefer use obm-conf to make configuration database because my
> goal is " apt-get install obm-..." and it works, same on install whith
> many server. So i don't "copy by hand resulting   file". But, of
> course if this is not debian compliant....
> Morever, many obm component can be install without database, but it use
> obm-conf. 

IMO, most Debian users will install  obm on one host.  Some will install
database on another host. For all of them, you need only one obm package
that uses dbconfig-common. With  your proposition, those users will have
to answer questions about the database twice.

>> And I still fail to see  why obm-storage is a separate package. Its only
>> aim is to configure  a database. If your concern is to  be able to use a
>> remote database, dbconfig-common just handle that.

> Because, you can install obm-core on server without database

But is  the database mandatory? In  this case, obm-core  can configure a
remote database with dbconfig-common.

>> obm-ui is an almost empty package. It just configures apache?
>> I may  just fail to  see how  OBM is componentized,  but I only  see one
>> useful  package: obm-core.  If you  install obm-ui  on another  host, it
>> won't  have any file  to serve.  If you  install obm-storage  on another
>> host,  you  could  just install  it  on  the  host with  obm-core  since
>> dbconfig-common is able to configure a remote database and it would save
>> the build of another configuration file.

> Yes, :-D
> Because you can install obm-storage and obm-core without use apache
> configuration, so apache is installed on an other server.

Ok for obm-ui.
panic("kmem_cache_init(): Offsets are wrong - I've been messed with!");
        2.2.16 /usr/src/linux/mm/slab.c

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