OoO En cette soirée bien amorcée du lundi 05 mai 2008, vers 22:44, Monty
Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> disait:

>> You may  want to add Homepage  field to source  stanza of debian/control
>> and  a debian/watch  file (this  will help  the use  of svn-buildpackage
>> too).
>> Moreover, there should  be a better way to use  Debian TinyMCE than just
>> removing almost  everything with  a very large  patch. You  may consider
>> adding some "rm" in debian/rules.

> Done. Also moved from cdbs to dh7.

> New version uploaded to mentors.

I  see that  the  SVN is  more  up-to-date. You  should  strip down  the
changelog. For a first release, it  makes no sense to say that you moved
From cdbs to dh7.

You already tagged  1.0.6-1 in SVN. You should do  that only when needed
(it means when the package is first accepted into Debian).
BOFH excuse #418:
Sysadmins busy fighting SPAM.

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