> I have sware problem with debian :(   :(
> i am working on fixing the bug in the package 'testdisk'. Well how can i
> continue work, because its 8th time i ran the command *apt-get build-dep
> testdisk.
> The problem i am facing is that, after this command execution, i can not
> work smoothly i.e. many of utilities do not work properly like web browser
> and in any case i shutdown debian , when i come bck to work next time , the
> debian no more works. It appers in light grey color as k for username &
> password and become halted.
> so after that i again install debian and run the same command. I think the
> fetched dependencies do something wrong.
> i have these lines written in sources.list :  *dep
> http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/sid main
>                                                                   dep-src
> http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/sid main

Ok, let's try to do it step-by-step.

1. Probbably these lines read as deb ..., not dep ... - right?
2. Did you run apt-get update, as you have been told?
3. Have you always been running a sid system, or did you (partly!?) upgrade?
4. Do you have an uptodate sid system at all?
5. Are you aware of the fact that sid == unstable and anything might be broken
at any time?
6. Well, and then debian-mentors is not necessarily the proper list. You might
want to try debian-user according to the problems you are experiencing.


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