On 27/04/2008, Deepak Tripathi wrote:
> I am looking for a sponsor for my package "php5-rar".

Various remarks:
 - debian/Changelog, what for?
 - debian/control: buggy indentation in long description.
 - debian/control: unsure about the section, please check the php
 - debian/copyright: you don't quote the GPL boilerplate, IIRC it's
   better to do so.
 - debian/pecl: Unsure what it's used for (there's only a commented
   dh_pecl in debian/rules).
 - debian/php5-rar.dirs: probably unnecessary.
 - debian/rules: sorry, but: what a mess! You probably want to get rid
   of everything v4-related, as well as all commented out rules. There's
   also dh_install instead of calling install with a zillion parameters.


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