Vincent Bernat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Did you get the mail from Alexander? [from Alexander Schmehl, on a
> different thread.
> <URL:>]

> I agree with him: the diff.gz is difficult to read.

How is it difficult to read? I've opened it in Emacs and 'zless' and
in either of them it reads like any other diff. Like any other unified
diff, the changes are clearly marked by file, hunk location, and
context lines. What readability problems are you seeing? What
improvements would you want to see in the diff?

As for a "patch management system", I find packages that use them
*more* difficult to understand as an outsider than those that use the
standard foo.diff.gz.

I've read much discussion for and against, and I'm currently convinced
that such systems are detrimental, on balance, for those wanting to
work with the package. So, no thanks, I'll decline on that suggestion
and continue to ship a standard foo.diff.gz.

Feedback still appreciated, and I'll be incorporating other
suggestions soon.

 \        “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though |
  `\          nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is.” |
_o__)                                                 —Albert Einstein |
Ben Finney

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