On Wed, 2008-04-23 at 16:00 +0200, Dominik George wrote:
> Hello mentors,
> I am just packaging my Pidgin Last.fm Plugin for Debian and am
> wondering how to get a .changes file. The problem is that the plugin
> consists of a single perl script which is copied to /usr/lib/pidgin.

You need debian/rules and then build the package with dpkg-buildpackage.

dpkg -b is NOT suitable for making packages for upload.

>  What I already did is:
>       * Create a fodler structure with the file system tree I want to
>         merge

No. You specify that directory hierarchy in the rules for the package

>       * Added a DEBIAN folder

No, dpkg-buildpackage generates that folder when building the package.
You need to create a debian/ folder using dh_make.

>       * Created a control file

Keep that and copy it over the boilerplate debian/control file created
by dh_make.

>       * Added changelog, copyright notice and such to the
>         usr/share/doc part of the tree

No. Those go into debian/ for dpkg-buildpackage to put into the correct

>       * Ran dpkg -b in order to get a .deb package out of that

As above, wrong way to do things.

>       * Checked that everything is lintian-clean

You haven't checked the source package, only the .deb.

> But all I am left with is a .deb file - so nothing I could upload to
> mentors.debian.net or such. All guides I could find explain how to
> either build a source package or how to use dh_make - which needs a
> Makefile that compiles the sources. As I already mentioned, I don't
> have either of that.

debian/rules IS a makefile. dh-make does not need anything else in the
package, but you must create the package such that dpkg-buildpackage
will work.

> So what is the correct way to build the package?

$ dh-make
$ cd debian/
edit/copy in control, copyright, changelog and edit rules
remove unwanted files
$ cd ../
$ dpkg-buildpackage


Neil Williams

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