On Fri, 2008-04-18 at 18:05 -0700, Jeff Breidenbach wrote:
> Could I please get some feedback on the package "jcc" ? This is my first
> time using cdbs.

It might be an idea to say something about the package so that sponsors
have some idea. This is a python package and I have no idea how to check
python packages but I didn't know that until I downloaded the .diff.gz.
(It also has something to do with java which is something I never want
to deal with again, so I'm not much help with your package. A package
combining Java and Python is completely beyond my comprehension.)

> http://www.jab.org/jcc/

There are a couple of non-python non-java things though - lintian
probably already picks up the lack of an ITP number in the changelog.
You could consider using the machine-interpretable format for
debian/copyright and you have a variety of files outside debian/ showing
up in the .diff.gz.


Neil Williams

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