Hi mentors, since my usual sponsor is too busy to keep sponsoring me, I'm searching for someone who can review and upload the new versions of my packages. I'd like to find someone interested in sponsoring future uploads, but a one-time sponsorship if fine too.
Here are the URLs you can use to grab the packages, long description of both packages follows. dget http://www.kiyuko.org/debian/beef_0.0.6-2.dsc dget http://www.kiyuko.org/debian/rhinote_0.7.0-2.dsc Both the packages are already in the archive, they build fine in pbuilder and appear to be lintian clean. Package: beef Description: flexible Brainfuck interpreter beef is a Brainfuck interpreter, a program which executes Brainfuck code on the fly. . Its behavior is configurable using command-line options. This enables you to run most Brainfuck programs, even ones written for other interpreters/compilers without modifications. . beef is not affected by some historical Brainfuck limitations. For example, the length of the memory tape's only limit is the amount of memory your computer has. . beef's aim is not to be incredibly small or optimized (although it is quite fast), but to be a flexible and pleasant-to-work-with interpreter. Package: rhinote Description: virtual sticky-notes for your desktop Rhinote is a small program that provides virtual sticky-notes. It's handy for jotting down quick notes or holding copied text that you plan to paste elsewhere later. . Notes can be saved as plain text for later viewing/editing with Rhinote or any other text editor. . Rhinote is designed to be "keyboard friendly", that is, every single action is bound to a specific keystroke. Thank you for your time. -- KiyuKo <eof AT kiyuko DOT org> Resistance is futile, you will be garbage collected.
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