
I'm wondering how to use CFLAGS properly debian/rules. I guess it really is a newbie question...

I read http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-files.html . dh- make currently does show how to set CFLAGS, but not how to pass it on.

In one of my packages, I do that (basically):

----8<----8<----8<- debian/rules

CFLAGS = -Wall -g -O2
CC = gcc $(CFLAGS)

        $(MAKE) CC="$(CC)"


where upstream Makefile looks like:

----8<----8<----8<- Makefile

all: zerofree.c
        $(CC) -o zerofree -lext2fs zerofree.c


fakerrot debian/rules build then does the Right Thing(TM):
gcc -Wall -g -O2 -o zerofree -lext2fs zerofree.c

Is my approach correct ? shouldn't it be exemplified by dh-make?

Best regards, Thibaut.

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