> > I'm debian maintaner for more then four years, so I wouldn't try to
> > hijack a package or work behind your back and I respect your team and
> > work, which you are doing for lighttpd and debian.
>   Well I don't get why you seek sponsors outside from the team then.
> That's what I call rogue. In my world, when I ask for sponsoring of a
> package that has a responsive team, I call that hijacking. Sorry it took
> me 10 days to figure that my procmail was broken, you had bad luck, but
> I can't imagine how waiting only 7 (‽) days for hijacking a package is
> appropriate behaviour.
If you read my first letter in this more carefully, there was no "RFS:"'s
I was asking to help me with finding bugs, and I asked about ethical
question, if it is good or bad to have two packages of lighttpd in
distributive. I thought, that asking here will help me to contact with
your team anyway) I was right.
I didn't ask for sponsor!

> > Let's try that in experimental?
>   Like said _I_ won't do the job, but I don't see a problem with it
> being in unstable _IF_ done inside from the team. You're free to join it
> btw, but I'm not an alioth pkg-lighttpd admin, so you'll have to nag one
> of them, private mails would probably work easier. And if in those
> conditions, I'll gladly sponsor uploads.
I'm glad, that we understand each other at last!-)
BTW, can you have a look, at the package?


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