Il giorno Sun, 30 Dec 2007 10:37:36 +0100
David Paleino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha scritto:

> (sorry for quoting myself)
> ...
> I'm now compiling with libdir and libexecdir to /usr/lib, I'll also need a
> shlibs file and some lintian overrides (package name and SONAME, and some
> other).
> I'll report as soon as I put a fixed version on mentors :)

Lintian complains again now (obviously):

E: gthumb: shlib-missing-in-control-file for usr/lib/
W: gthumb: unused-shlib-entry-in-control-file libgthumb gthumb
W: gthumb: package-name-doesnt-match-sonames libgthumb

These are the warnings I did override at the very beginning of this thread; the
proposed solution was to move everything under /usr/lib/gthumb/, but I don't
really like it. Neither the symlink solution sounds clean. I've just sent a
mail to debian-devel on how to write a proper shlibs file for unversioned
SONAMEs (I wrote there because I believe I can have a larger audience to look
at the post)

I'll wait for a reply before proceeding.


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