Le Sun, Dec 23, 2007 at 04:57:12PM -0500, Asheesh Laroia a écrit :
> If your ISP has an SMTP server you can use as a relay, which is almost 
> always the case, configuring your Exim to go through that should be fairly 
> easy.  That should eliminate these purplexing issues (by offloading them 
> to your ISPs' system administrators, who have alreaddy solved them!).
> I hope this helps - feel free to email me privately to ask for more help.
Thanks a lot for the help. The machine I use is a laptop, that goes from
network to network. Is there a way to get the right relay automatically
selected when I plug the ethernet cable ?

Have a nice day.

Charles Plessy
Wakō, Saitama, Japan

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