Dear Debian Mentors, This is with reference to a package of mine, libitpp, whose latest version I have packaged and it is available at: What I want to know is, earlier builds never pulled in atlas3-base-dev for the build, as you may see here: Also, when I try to build the package on my machine outside a pbuilder, with the B-Deps installed, it works fine without atlas, and generates packages which don't depend explicitly on libatlas. However, the moment I try to use pbuilder on it, it fetches atlas3-base-dev for the build, and my package now depends on atlas3-base. The same thing happens on amd64 (thanks to William Pitcock for testing it for me). Despite my best efforts, I am unable to spot what is causing atlas to be pulled in. I do observe that lapack3-dev has the following dependencies: Depends: lapack3 (= 3.0.20000531a-6.1), libc6-dev, atlas3-base-dev | refblas3-dev |, g77 However, libitpp uses the following dependencies: Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5), autotools-dev, doxygen (>= 1.5.1-1), refblas3-dev, libfftw3-dev, texlive-latex-base, gs, lapack3-dev Clearly, refblas3-dev is provided, so lapack3-dev shouldn't need atlas3-base-dev, right? What am I missing? Thanks! Kumar -- Kumar Appaiah, 458, Jamuna Hostel, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai - 600 036
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