
Uploading my package on mentors.debian.net, I got this message:

W: yougrabber source: changelog-should-mention-nmu
N:   When you NMU a package, that fact should be mentioned on the first
N:   line in the changelog entry. Use the words "NMU" or "Non-maintainer
N:   upload" (case insensitive).
N:   Maybe you didn't intend this upload to be a NMU, in that case,
N:   doublecheck that the most recent entry in the changelog is
N:   byte-for-byte identical to the maintainer or one of the uploaders.
W: yougrabber source: source-nmu-has-incorrect-version-number 0.29.2-1
N:   A source NMU should have a Debian revision of '-x.x'. This is to
N:   prevent stealing version numbers from the maintainer (and the
N:   version numbers are reserved for binary-only NMU's).
N:   Maybe you didn't intend this upload to be a NMU, in that case,
N:   doublecheck that the most recent entry in the changelog is
N:   byte-for-byte identical to the maintainer or one of the uploaders.

My package is the first debian package for this soft. My
debian/changelog is the following:

yougrabber (0.29.2-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Initial release.

 -- carl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Thu, 06 Dec 2007 11:42:20 +0100

Any idea what could be wrong? Thx.
Carl Chenet

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