The following facts are not being reported by the mainstream media:
Hijacked airliners flew all around the eastern U.S. for hours without any military response??? How could Osama bin-Forgotten make our air force stand down, or did Cheney do that??? The Pentagon was struck by a hijacked airliner 45 minutes after two other hijacked airliners struck the WTC, without the airliner being intercepted, approached, chased, or even seen by our air defenses? The Gov't still refuses to release clear video of whatever happened at the Pentagon to this day, six years later??? Why??? The massive WTC-7 building was 350 feet from the nearest tower, was not hit by a plane, yet it imploded in a controlled demolition at 5:20 pm??? It housed many govt offices, & the over-insured owner said the building was pulled. Why??? The Bush/Cheney regime is using 9/11 as a pretext to brazenly subvert our U.S. Constitution, launch illegal invasions of Afghanistan, Iraq, (Iran?), & grant themselves dictatorial powers here at home! They have committed high treason & must be impeached & imprisoned while we still have the Bill of Rights! I urge everyone to watch "Loose Change" free on the web for proof that 9/11 was an inside job! Also Google terms like 911 truth & visit & other patriotic sites! Wake-up! Do your research & learn the facts for yourself! We must defend the Constitution, our nation, & our freedoms now! --------------------------------- Be a better sports nut! Let your teams follow you with Yahoo Mobile. Try it now.