On Wed, 5 Sep 2007 13:15:14 +0000 (UTC)
Jörg Sommer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Packages must not require the existence of any files in
> > /usr/share/doc/ in order to function [78]. Any files that are
> > referenced by programs but are also useful as stand alone
> > documentation should be installed under /usr/share/package/ with
> > symbolic links from /usr/share/doc/package.
> > (...)
> >
> > Note [78]: The system administrator should be able to delete files in
> > /usr/share/doc/ without causing any programs to break.
> Is anywhere said when a program break? Are missing help files (available
> via menu entry) a breakage?

Missing help files are only a breakage if the application fails to
handle the missing file gracefully. It should tell the user why the
help cannot be displayed - in a GUI that would mean a dialogue box, in
a console program, an error to STDERR.

Some programs have been known to seg fault if a help file was not found
- this is unacceptable and would lead to an RC bug. Any crash is a bug,
a crash because of a failure to meet policy is always RC.

Note: Policy only mandates this for /usr/share/doc
not /usr/share/gnome/help or /usr/share/man or /usr/share/foo where foo
is the package name.


Neil Williams

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