
Kevin Coyner escribió:
> On Mon, Aug 20, 2007 at 08:43:13PM -0400, Juan Angulo Moreno wrote......
>>> How was Bug #279342 fixed? It is not apparent from the
>>> changelog, and running interdiff between the diff files doesn't
>>> show anything new in that respect.
>> I closed bug because when metacam was updated of version 0.6-1 to
>> the 1.2-1 bug he was not present (you can verify installing it
>> metacam, unloading the following image that was taken by a S60
>> Canon Camera:
>> http://farm1.static.flickr.com/112/253352200_b64ab0a57a_o.jpg,
>> will be able to notice that there is not segfault).
> O.K. Perhaps you might want to mention in the changelog that the bug
> is being closed because upstream addressed it in a prior release.
Ok, Perfect.
>> In the next days I will repair the package and upload it again.
> O.K. I'll look at it again then. BTW, I went to the homepage you
> have listed for metacam, and was not able to download a source copy.
> Do you have a different webpage for downloading the source?
Software does not have another mirror where can download the source
code. Could eliminate the file debian/watch so that it looks for updates
of software?

> Kevin
Thanks You!.

Juan Angulo Moreno
Fingerprint GPG: 0FEE E0BF 2904 FE77 1682 2171 C842 DBF1 34BC CD04

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