On Sun, 12 Aug 2007 21:35:14 +0200
"Adam Cécile (Le_Vert)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Neil Williams a écrit :
> >> Okay, it has been fixed and re-uploaded.
> >> However, lintian still show a warning about debian/menu. I don't 
> >> understand why, please ignore it or fix it by yourself if you
> >> understand what's wrong :)
> >
> > http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2007/07/msg00000.html
> >
> > Don't ignore lintian errors/warnings - FIX them!
> It doesn't explain me why section "Applications/Network" is wrong.
> According to debian-devel thread, it seems to be ok.

OK, a bit of context is needed. The "Section" names are placeholders, therefore:
Network == Placeholder because it contains
     Network/Communication [new]
     Network/File Transfer [new]
     Network/Monitoring [new]
     Network/Web Browsing [new]
     Network/Web News [new]

Applications/Network is incomplete because it ends in a placeholder,
just like "Applications" would also be wrong.

That isn't clear from the link.

The menu structure is likely to continue changing so keep an eye on
those warnings.


Neil Williams

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