I am the upstream author of switchconf package, that is in etch, and I
have prepared a new version of switchconf.  This version fixes an
unreported bug introduced in the last version, add tests to check if
switchconf still works as expected and a change to the copyrigth file
to give atribution of my work to my employer. 

switchconf (0.0.7-1~unrld0) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstrean version:
    * fixed a bug that methods copy and hardlink didn't work when target
      file don't exist
    * implemented tests to check if switchconf really works

    * updated the copyright to give atribution of my work to my employer.
 -- Jose Calhariz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Thu, 26 Jul 2007 00:06:25 +0100

It can be dowloaded from my homepage on

 new debian package, version 2.0.
 size 9968 bytes: control archive= 1335 bytes.
     139 bytes,     5 lines      conffiles            
     935 bytes,    23 lines      control              
     937 bytes,    12 lines      md5sums              
     194 bytes,     7 lines   *  postinst             #!/bin/sh
     176 bytes,     7 lines   *  postrm               #!/bin/sh
 Package: switchconf
 Version: 0.0.7-1~unrld0
 Architecture: all
 Maintainer: Jose Calhariz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Installed-Size: 168
 Depends: lsb-base (>= 3.0-6)
 Section: admin
 Priority: optional
 Description: switch between system configuration sets
  Switchconf allows users to easily change their system's settings,
  choosing between the possible configurations for different
  Most switchconf users are laptop owners who want to change their
  network settings according to where they currently are - but there
  are many cases for non mobile systems to desire to choose between
  configuration sets.
  Switchconf is a very simple script that takes its arguments from the
  command line. It allows you to maintain different sets of
  configurations, installing the desired set of configuration when
  called with its name as an argument, and execute a pre-specified set
  of commands before and after the switch.

      José Calhariz

P.S. [En_US] The sig below is from my random sig-generator, which strangely
often seems to pick signatures which are apropriate to the message at

P.S. [Pt_Pt] A assinatura em baixo é do gerador aleatório de
assinaturas, que estranhamente, escolhe com frequência assinaturas que
parecem apropriadas ao email!
        O que parece o auge do absurdo numa geracao, muitas vezes e 
        o auge da sensatez na geracao seguinte.
                -- Stevenson Adlai

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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