On Sat, Jul 21, 2007 at 03:18:23AM +0200, Carl Fürstenberg wrote:
> When you have a upstream package that are using scons, is there a good
> way to incorperate that into a debian package, or should a new build
> script be written?

The Second Life viewer uses scons to build, but I'm using dh_install to
move the produced binaries from their build-location into a filesystem
tree, rather than relying on any install rule in the SConstruct file.

I haven't hit any other problems that are scons-specific, although the
SConstruct file Linden Labs are using seems a bit atypical to my limited
scons knowledge.

I do have some patches to the SConstruct file in my dpatch patch list,
and that seems to work fine, since they're applied before I call scons.

Paul "TBBle" Hampson, B.Sc, LPI, MCSE
On-hiatus Asian Studies student, ANU
The Boss, Bubblesworth Pty Ltd (ABN: 51 095 284 361)

Of course Pacman didn't influence us as kids. If it did,
we'd be running around in darkened rooms, popping pills and
listening to repetitive music.
 -- Kristian Wilson, Nintendo, Inc, 1989

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