On Wed, Jun 27, 2007 at 03:17:35PM +1000, Ben Finney wrote:
> "Michael Gilbert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > * Package name    : steam-powered
> >  Version         : 0.8.0
> >  Upstream Author : Michael Gilbert
> > * URL             : no web site
> > * License         : gpl for steam-powered script, non-free for
> > downloaded game and game data
> What license do you have for the package? "non-free" isn't a license,
> it's a descriptor.
> > I am hoping get more involved in packaging popular games for Debian.
> > I understand that these popular games are mostly under non-free
> > licenses,
> Worse, many of them are under non-free licenses that prohibit
> redistribution, either entirely or through clauses that exclude Debian
> from doing so. If that's so, your package can't be redistributed by
> Debian.
> You'll need to find the exact license text for the software to know
> whether that's the case. Start a thread on debian-legal (after
> confirming that the particular license hasn't already been discussed
> in the archives) and include the full text of the license for
> discussion.
steam-powered is a downloader script like flashplugin-nonfree or
quake2-data are so it can go in contrib.

About your package, there is still some minor lintian warnings and
/usr/bin/steam-powered should be in /usr/games/steam-powered. Your
package should also depends on wine and curl since your script use
I think so should also remove the --silent flag of curl or at last
provide a --verbose parameter to disable it.



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