On 6/20/07, Ľuboš Koščo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It builds these binary packages: opengrok - Wicked fast source code indexing and search software built on top of lucene
A better short description would be: "Fast source code indexing and search system" Emotive language like 'wicked' shouldn't be in the description, and I don't think the fact that it uses lucene is so important it needs to be in the short description. -- Andrew Donnellan <>< ajdlinuxATgmailDOTcom (primary) ajdlinuxATexemailDOTcomDOTau (secure) http://andrewdonnellan.com http://ajdlinux.wordpress.com [EMAIL PROTECTED] hkp://subkeys.pgp.net 0x5D4C0C58 http://linux.org.au http://debian.org Spammers only === [EMAIL PROTECTED] ===