Le mercredi 21 mars 2007 01:16, Charles Plessy a écrit :
> I hope that somebody will answer me that I overlooked the patch system
> of my dreams and give me its name...

Well, I would say that there are no ways inbetween..
Either you use cdbs, but you need to use their rule target management system, 
either you include patch targets yourself, but you cannot just "backport" 
cdbs patch features..

Now from the NM point of view, I would say that it is more instructive to do 
it by yourself at first. At least once, in order to understand when patch and 
unpatch rules are called etc..

Now from the maintainer point of view, yes cdbs is the patch system that you 
have dreamt about.. Using simple patch, yes you simply have to drop patches 
to debian/patches/ and it works(tm) Also, you may not be that afraid to learn 
the rest of the process since it behave also the same way. For a software 
with configure support and no bug in install system, well it just 
works(tm) :)

You may now the link, but there is a very good documentation on cdbs made by 

For a very simple packaging with cdbs, you can look at kshutdown for 

In the beginning, there was but one concept,
And that's the concept of I.
Then arose Apollyon, the Devil
- Satan! Satan! -
claiming that it's you and I.
And from that day on,
There was trouble in the world

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