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Asheesh Laroia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Tue, 20 Mar 2007, Ben Finney wrote:
> > Writing a bunch of 'cp' or 'install' commands in the
> > 'debian/rules' file seems like drudgery and is certainly prone to
> > error. What tools are there to assist Debian packagers in making
> > this task more automated?
> Well, "make install" typically puts them somewhere

I'm thinking specifically of packages that don't have such a concept
already; especially for interpreted languages, many packages have
instructions along the lines of "put the files where you need them",
and they don't generally have a Makefile to do that.

> Does that help some?  You should check out
> http://www.debian.org/doc/maint-guide/ if you haven't yet.

I have, but I should probably read it some more. Thanks.

 \     "What if the Hokey Pokey IS what it's all about?"  -- Anonymous |
  `\                                                                   |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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