On Sat, 2007-02-10 at 23:21 +0100, Vincent Bernat wrote:

First off, I'm not a Debian developer. My advice could be wrong, so be
cautious about following it.

I do have a strong interest in seeing Roundcube packaged for Debian.

> This  is still  a beta  quality software  but I  use it  happily every
> day.  The  package  uses  dbconfig-common to  configure  database.  It
> supports sqlite,  MySQL and PostgreSQL  backend. To avoid to  pull too
> much  packages, it  does  not depend  on  any of  those backends.  Any
> comment on this is welcome. I have put a note in README.Debian.

Here's your note: "To avoid to pull too much packages, it does not
depend on any of those backends."

If you're going to stick with this plan, I'd recommend something like
this: "To avoid pulling in too many packages, it does not depend on any
of these backends." The wording flows a little better, I think.

Your diff includes po/templates.pot which is autogenerated, right? You
should see if you can avoid creating that file, or you should delete it
to avoid having it show up in the diff.

Your dependencies list PHP 4 first. I think you should list PHP 5 first,
since it's newer. Also, you list sqlite as the first backend, when I'd
imagine MySQL is going to be more popular. I'd list them like:

Depends: ..., libapache2-mod-php5 | ..., php5-mysql | ..., ...

I'm not sure how I feel about configuring and restarting a web server by
default. How do other packages handle this?

There's a log folder configured... Do you need to configure log rotation

> The other question is that roundcube requires a temp directory. I have
> modified the  config file to  create /var/tmp/roundcube. I  don't know
> what should be  the best way. If the directory  already exists, it can
> be a security  risk (the user owning the  directory could delete files
> or put symlinks in it). Maybe should I put this temporary directory in
> /var/lib/roundcube instead ?

/var/tmp is for temporary files that need to survive a reboot, right? Is
that the case here? I'm not sure what to suggest about a temp file


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